Wonkissima - Where policy wonks pull nothing over us

This forum will be used to discuss ideas that are not just outside the box but ones that will blow the box away.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Hilary for Vice President?

This startling and fascinating idea was tossed into the public consciousness some months ago: should Hilary Rodham Clinton, Madam Secretary of State, and Vice-President Joseph Biden switch positions for the 2012 general election?
Could Hilary and Barack run on the same ticket? Hell yes. Madam Secretary is the ultimate team player. She has "street" experience where it counts; understands about grueling and duelling campaigning; and is tough enough to have withstood her husband's shenanigans for DECADES and the far right's heavy-handed attempts to demonize her ... and still come up smelling of roses.
She is admired. She is pragmatic. She is respected. She would make history.

Would our President have enough presence of mind to recognize and/or admit that he might need her particular and unique brand of "juice" to keep sanity in the Whitehouse? It'd be a HUGE admission and not a tasty one.

Would the Vice-President go for the switcheroo? He has stated publicly that Hilary would have made a better VEEP AND he considers himself a total foreign policy WONK if not approaching true geekness.

Never been done before, you might be saying? Well, HIlary and Barack specialize in that phrase to a point where, politically, one could say they invented "the unprecedented."

Obama and Clinton in 2012? It has a solid gold ring to it, don't you think?

Scud Downing

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