Wonkissima - Where policy wonks pull nothing over us

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Friday, August 27, 2010

Glenn Beck, denigrates Dr. King, gets rid of O'Reilly

Why would Glenn Beck, aka King Fear, schedule a rally of any kind on the anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King's "I Have a Dream" speech? On the exact same site? Beck SWEARS this is a "coincidence" and that he was totally unaware of the date's significance.

How could he and everyone else employed by his 24/7 publicity machine not be aware of the anniversary of one of the greatest speeches ever made? Unless of course he is totally ingnorant of recent American history in general, or of the recent accomplishments of non-white Americans in general ... Dr. King's oration is still an exemplar of powerful,inspiring, purposeful, helpful and enlightening, even soaring rhetoric at it's finest.

Could the Terror Tyrant possibly be THAT clueless?

Or maybe he DID know and cleverly plotted to display his well known contempt for blacks, as commonly demonstrated by his references to President Obama as a racist or his continual and continuous denigration of prominent African Americans, to an adoring Tea Party and Mrs. Palin while generating scads of publicity for all the wrong reasons.

Even fellow Fox banalist Greta Van Susteren remonstrated that Beck's booking an event on this date at this location was like Muslims wanting to build a cultural center five blocks from Ground Zero - perfectly legal but not "sensitive." Another Fox idealogue, Bill O'Reilly, has pooh-poohed Beck estimates of 300,000 people attending. Bill even promised to give up his own show if more than 100,000 folks showed up.


Fox often hugely over-estimates attendance at Tea Party rallies and substitues video from a different venue, making certain gatherings appear much more well populated than they actually are. This confluence of circumstances could lead Bill into retirement! And Beck could wind up getting rid of his biggest competitor while sullying a great day in American history.


Over but never out,
Scud Downing

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