Wonkissima - Where policy wonks pull nothing over us

This forum will be used to discuss ideas that are not just outside the box but ones that will blow the box away.

Friday, August 13, 2010

SPOTLIGHT on the Far Right's Anti-American Views

Hey,there's a new platform for ordinary folks like us to fight back against Republicans' unethical and misrepresentational tactics. It will also hold them accountable for their public statements TODAY as opposed to all the really weird and disgusting things they have said in the past.. Project Accountability. This could be loads of FUN!!!

Let's consider ... Sharron Angle's desire to abolish Social Security OR
her characterization of BP's $20 billion pledge to mitigate the gulf oil spill catastrophe as a "slush fund." These statements were made by Angle to woo the far far far right (her point of emanation). These super conservative (and odd)opinions used to appear PROMINENTLY on her website. No more. She has "cleaned up her act." But isn't it obvious what she really believes?

Tea Party darling and Senate candidate Ken Buck opposes abortion even in cases of rape and incest. These are his RELIGIOUS convictions. Why should his religion run our country? Why should ANYONE's religion run our country?

Opthamologist (but NOT Board Certified, as he USED TO CLAIM) and senate candidate Rand Paul disapproves of the Equal Rights Amendment - doesn't believe that businesses should be FORCED to serve people even when the reason for that refusal is pure racism. Of course, he wishes we'd all forget that admission and swears he abhors racism in all its forms. But what about the people who embrace racism? Should THEY be allowed to run amok on American culture for the sake of individual liberty?

Is all this crap what YOU really believe?

If not, there is a remedy ... to make sure everyone knows a candidate's true positions ... a great solution ...Interested in being a part of it? Check out The Accountability Project:


See you at the polls in November!

Scud Downing

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