Wonkissima - Where policy wonks pull nothing over us

This forum will be used to discuss ideas that are not just outside the box but ones that will blow the box away.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Go Shirley Sherrod!

The slandered Department of Agriculture employee - Shirley Sherrod - who was falsely represented as a racist by conservative blogger, black baiter and non-white hater Andrew Breitbart - has made it official. She will sue her unrepentent attacker/vilifier to redress the public - and erroneous - annihilation of her reputation and the loss of her job.

Sherrod has again been offered employment by AG but is unsure whether this "outreach" position is actually even funded yet, much less on some org chart.

Breitbart had access to the entirety of Sherrod's speech on racism but chose only those bits that misportrayed her ultimate message: we all are confronted with our own bias from time to time and we must be vigilant, look within and behave with respect and empathy.

Wonkissima wishes to THANK our intelligent and activist followers for adding impetus to the outrage engendered by this story. YOU ROCK!!!

Now ... GO GET 'EM, SHIRLEY!!!

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