Wonkissima - Where policy wonks pull nothing over us

This forum will be used to discuss ideas that are not just outside the box but ones that will blow the box away.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

GOP will rob YOU to pay the super rich

The race is about to begin in earnest now that the primaries have been sorted out. It seems that America has two choices - support Republicans or return the Democrats to power.

In some cases, neither alternative is too tasty but there are some CLEAR differences in the policies of congressional Republican conservatives vs. those of normal all-American folks like US.

In the past 24 years, the richest 2 percent of Americans(income above $250,000/year)have seen their income levels rise by over 200%. The Poor? about 12% The Middle class? About 16%. Actually, taxes are rigged in such a way that you and I pay a higher ratio of our income to the IRS while the super rich get huge tax breaks ... and guess who has been paying for this largess to the tune of over $10,000 EACH? WE HAVE. Here's the kicker: Most members of Congress on both sides of the aisle fall into this wealthy classification and therefore receive all the big tax breaks ... while also receiving a lifetime pension and health benefits even after just one term!!!
Once in awhile, however, a democrat will actually vote against his or her own pocket book/bank account, something the OLD white guys of the GOP have never done or will never do. HEY! John Beyner plays golf 100 days a year - and calls Michelle Obama "Elitest."
Now let's look at this nation's glory years - when everything was booming ... 1945-1971. The tax rates for the super rich hovered between 71% and 94%. And yet, they still prospered and so did everyone else. Our roads were in great shape, our water systems expanding. Our schools were clean; kids had art AND phys ed and they learned to read.

Obama's tax rates are about the same as rates in 1950 - but we surely live in a different world now. We used to only prosecute one war at a time - now that number seems limitless. Teachers and fire fighters used to be able to afford home ownership. Health care didn't cost you your arm AND your leg. Our roadways and bridges were sound. Water systems were expanding. Prudential LIfe wasn't resfusing to pay life insurance to the families of dead military personnel. Corporate chiefs didn't receive $70 million in bonuses for bringing their respective companies to the brink of financial ruin.

But even then the Republicans WERE insisting on tax breaks for the richest. Some things never change!

So, if you: want to continue rewarding the billionaires; keep health care and homes out of the reach of regular Americans; reward the folks who brought you the second Great Depression and challenge the citizenship of your lawful president purely out of spite and racial bias - vote Republican in November.
If you want to give the little guy a fighting chance - Democrats are for YOU!

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