Wonkissima - Where policy wonks pull nothing over us

This forum will be used to discuss ideas that are not just outside the box but ones that will blow the box away.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

RAH! for trash talking (and embodying) Veep Cheney

Veep Cheney MUST continue his treasonous, acid, disingenuous, misguided, self-serving, arrogant and ultimately pitiful attacks on our Commander-in-Chief. Cheney's time as leader of the free world (he didn't take the oath but he WAS the puppet master) is over. Thank Heaven! When he left the ceremony on Inauguration Day, he was reviled. He is still reviled. He embraces torture and believes that the broadest, most expensive military solution is the only solution. Every time. Though he creatively side-stepped his own Vietnam-era military service a handful of times, he rushes to send our precious young men and women into harm's way on any spur of the moment. His friends at Blackwater are all multi billionaires.
The longer this unfortunate piece of work stays in the public eye, bitter and twisted, the better chance reasoned and reasoning men and women of character have to get and stay elected.

1 comment:

Jeff said...

I guess Pres Osama...oops Obama should be put on trial for war crimes also. He is still waging the same wars and is increasing the troop numbers. I thought you libs said he was going to END the war, and he has a majority in congress. Rave on Obama kool aid drinkers!