Wonkissima - Where policy wonks pull nothing over us

This forum will be used to discuss ideas that are not just outside the box but ones that will blow the box away.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Blind Pursuit of Money Assassinating America's Promise?

The chasm between the wealthiest Americans and Americans who can barely catch a break is widening frighteningly and has been doing so since Ronald Reagan elevated having a fat bank balance to being a REAL AMERICAN. Practically singlehandedly, Ron made amassing a fortune equal to being somehow morally superior to everyone else. If you weren't rich, you were chewed gum on the sole of a shoe.

As this idea has borne fruit exponentially. we can examine two of the outcomes of this philosophy more closely.

1) All those bankers who used our hard earned deposits to gamble horrifically, then lost everything - well we wound up bailing those sons of bitches out. They're still up to their old tricks with greater profits than ever before in history and billions of dollars of performance bonuses for doing something Osama Bin Laudin couldn't - bringing America to her knees. And all this in the midst of the greatest financial crisis since the Great Depression. Those keepers of our savings certainly have been busy.

2) Big Health Care executives receive millions in bonuses from boosting their company's profits by denying health insurance to someone because he or she is profundly ill. Wow! Or ... perhaps those stone-hearted insurance big wigs yanked it or even refused to make the contracted payout even though the policy owner faithfully forked up ever-leaping premiums, sometimes over decades. Some insurance companies turn down up to 39% of medical claims! A Harvard study tells us 45,000 Americans, including 2,200 US military veterans DIE each year because they can't afford or can't get health insurance. Even now, over 60% of bankruptcies in the U.S. are health emergency-related. There are folks working THREE JOBS who still can't afford health insurance. So, those executives become obscenely rich while pronouncing a death penalty on their less fortunate American brothers and sisters.

Do these situations bother anyone else out there?

The level playing field promised in our Constitution - not to mention the sacred right of the pursuit of happiness - has become one long impossible uphill battle for most Americans from cradle to grave.

No one is asking for a handout! But how about a respite from one kick in the collective stomach after another?

Is the blind pursuit of the almighty dollar morally superior to being our brothers' and sisters' keepers? Are the greedy and grasping actually just a cancer assassinating America's promise?


1 comment:

Adam Boroughs said...

I agree completely, but beeing your brothers keeper has become underground, frankly placed in the realm of criminals.

Oh wait a minute that was our forefathers. You go Jefferson...

The situations ou refer to bother the hell out of alot of us. Some of us are actaully helping out one family at a time. It is not much yet but going into next year we are shooting for nationwide. Just to see how many we can help of the 4 million that lost there homes this year.

Keep it up and REAL!