Wonkissima - Where policy wonks pull nothing over us

This forum will be used to discuss ideas that are not just outside the box but ones that will blow the box away.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Big Health executing Americans for 30 pieces of silver

This morning, a White House spokesman stated that when it comes to climate change agreements between nations - any old deal is NOT better than no deal at all. Why enact regulations that don't actually mitigate the problem? Why bother to force feed a sorry bunch of dead end ideas and half-assed fixes that don't even begin to address the root causes of global warming?
These are excellent questions and all and sundry at wankissima agree with the philosophy.

So ... why have Obama and the lily-livered liberals caved and caved and caved about health care? Why is any old deal better than no deal? Why are health insurers keeping their exemption from anti-trust legislation? Why are there no real reforms on excalating insurance policy costs? If everyone MUST purchase a policy but there is no competition between companies, Big Health will turn even more obscene profits at the expense of American families.

According to a Harvard study, 45,000 Americans die each year because they can't afford health insurance OR they have been turned down due to their "pre-existing condition!!" Ergo, Big Health gets rich when Americans die. Big Health executives sentence Americans to death every single day by denying or yanking coverage usually through no fault of the premium payer. This hideous statistic includes about 2,000 US military veterans every 12 months. The punishment for this very real crime? Big Health companies end up lining their coffers with thirty pieces of silver - the ultimate betrayal.

How much longer will this murderous rampage continue? How much longer will Obama and his fellow cowards allow Health Insurance big shots to kill for profit like run-of-the-mill drug lords and their minions?

One more day is TOO LONG.

1 comment:

Randy Cox said...

Healthcare is part of the National Defense. They make war in foolish ways to kill some bad guys and lots of not so bad guys, but they can not meet their responsibility to the children and neighbors.

They don't even care for the old broken and sick vet.

They have no honor