Wonkissima - Where policy wonks pull nothing over us

This forum will be used to discuss ideas that are not just outside the box but ones that will blow the box away.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Maria and Arnold: Entitled Elitests?

The Governor and First Lady of California may have been pulling the wool over our eyes for decades. How much they care for the Common Man and Woman! How much energy and time they have poured into charitable causes for those less fortunate! Under all those wealthy trappings, what populists they are! Or what hypocrites?
Don't misunderstand me - they have both done tremendous good ... but has it all been image building?
You are photographed breaking a California law that prohibits using a hand held cell phone while driving. The purpose of this law is to prevent car crashes and deaths. You pound your chest and cry "Mea culpa!" Then you immediately get caught doing exactly the same thing again and you just happen to live in California's Governor's Masion. Hmmm.
And how about that red zone illegal parking thing? Wouldn't I love to take advantage of THAT every time I drive? Wouldn't YOU? And just throw all resulting tickets in the recycle bin! Maria and Arnold are behaving as though they THINK they are above the law. Remember what the Good Book says, "As a man thinketh, so is he." I can hear you remonstrating with me now about the picayune nature of these transgressions. And admittedly they ARE details. But God is in the details, isn't She?

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