Wonkissima - Where policy wonks pull nothing over us

This forum will be used to discuss ideas that are not just outside the box but ones that will blow the box away.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Glenn Beck, denigrates Dr. King, gets rid of O'Reilly

Why would Glenn Beck, aka King Fear, schedule a rally of any kind on the anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King's "I Have a Dream" speech? On the exact same site? Beck SWEARS this is a "coincidence" and that he was totally unaware of the date's significance.

How could he and everyone else employed by his 24/7 publicity machine not be aware of the anniversary of one of the greatest speeches ever made? Unless of course he is totally ingnorant of recent American history in general, or of the recent accomplishments of non-white Americans in general ... Dr. King's oration is still an exemplar of powerful,inspiring, purposeful, helpful and enlightening, even soaring rhetoric at it's finest.

Could the Terror Tyrant possibly be THAT clueless?

Or maybe he DID know and cleverly plotted to display his well known contempt for blacks, as commonly demonstrated by his references to President Obama as a racist or his continual and continuous denigration of prominent African Americans, to an adoring Tea Party and Mrs. Palin while generating scads of publicity for all the wrong reasons.

Even fellow Fox banalist Greta Van Susteren remonstrated that Beck's booking an event on this date at this location was like Muslims wanting to build a cultural center five blocks from Ground Zero - perfectly legal but not "sensitive." Another Fox idealogue, Bill O'Reilly, has pooh-poohed Beck estimates of 300,000 people attending. Bill even promised to give up his own show if more than 100,000 folks showed up.


Fox often hugely over-estimates attendance at Tea Party rallies and substitues video from a different venue, making certain gatherings appear much more well populated than they actually are. This confluence of circumstances could lead Bill into retirement! And Beck could wind up getting rid of his biggest competitor while sullying a great day in American history.


Over but never out,
Scud Downing

Friday, August 20, 2010

Mrs. Palin is language elitist, radical

Sarah Palin believes and actually said that “feminists” are “A cackle of rads who want 2 crucify other women w/whom they disagree on a singular issue; it's ironic (& passé).”

This could be a case of the kettle calling out the pot for cooking up a tempest in a tea pot!

Haven’t she and husband Todd been involved for decades in an extremist form of Conservative Christianity that practices exorcism and demands a woman’s unwavering obedience to her husband? Sounds pretty radical to me, at least for AMERICA.

Isn’t her husband a long-time member of a political activist group that is STILL working to have Alaska secede from the U.S.? If THAT isn’t radical, I don’t know her brains from horse hockey.

What exactly IS a cackle as used in this setting? Is it meant to be denigrating? Why does Mrs. Palin display an almost obsessive need to mis-use words or create new words when the good old American-style English language contains adequate nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs for real Americans with real working knowledge of same? This constantly placing herself above English vocabulary and grammar rules, not to mention those that use them, feels a tad elitist, doesn’t it?

Did she receive enough English language education in Alaska during her formative years? Perhaps she could take a refresher course along with additional studies of world history (why DID North and South Korea split up, anyway?), foreign policy (look! I can see the leeward side of an island ruled by the Kremlin!) or good manners. Could her constant attack-mode communication methods represent the acting out of deep-seated insecurity?

Doth she protest too much?

As for her opinions about feminists … who does she think fought for and secured her right to vote? Or her right to own property independently of her husband? Or her eligibility to be a Mayor? Or a governor? Or even her right to disagree?

America deserves answers to these questions.

Over but never out,
Scud Downing

Friday, August 13, 2010

SPOTLIGHT on the Far Right's Anti-American Views

Hey,there's a new platform for ordinary folks like us to fight back against Republicans' unethical and misrepresentational tactics. It will also hold them accountable for their public statements TODAY as opposed to all the really weird and disgusting things they have said in the past.. Project Accountability. This could be loads of FUN!!!

Let's consider ... Sharron Angle's desire to abolish Social Security OR
her characterization of BP's $20 billion pledge to mitigate the gulf oil spill catastrophe as a "slush fund." These statements were made by Angle to woo the far far far right (her point of emanation). These super conservative (and odd)opinions used to appear PROMINENTLY on her website. No more. She has "cleaned up her act." But isn't it obvious what she really believes?

Tea Party darling and Senate candidate Ken Buck opposes abortion even in cases of rape and incest. These are his RELIGIOUS convictions. Why should his religion run our country? Why should ANYONE's religion run our country?

Opthamologist (but NOT Board Certified, as he USED TO CLAIM) and senate candidate Rand Paul disapproves of the Equal Rights Amendment - doesn't believe that businesses should be FORCED to serve people even when the reason for that refusal is pure racism. Of course, he wishes we'd all forget that admission and swears he abhors racism in all its forms. But what about the people who embrace racism? Should THEY be allowed to run amok on American culture for the sake of individual liberty?

Is all this crap what YOU really believe?

If not, there is a remedy ... to make sure everyone knows a candidate's true positions ... a great solution ...Interested in being a part of it? Check out The Accountability Project:


See you at the polls in November!

Scud Downing

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

GOP will rob YOU to pay the super rich

The race is about to begin in earnest now that the primaries have been sorted out. It seems that America has two choices - support Republicans or return the Democrats to power.

In some cases, neither alternative is too tasty but there are some CLEAR differences in the policies of congressional Republican conservatives vs. those of normal all-American folks like US.

In the past 24 years, the richest 2 percent of Americans(income above $250,000/year)have seen their income levels rise by over 200%. The Poor? about 12% The Middle class? About 16%. Actually, taxes are rigged in such a way that you and I pay a higher ratio of our income to the IRS while the super rich get huge tax breaks ... and guess who has been paying for this largess to the tune of over $10,000 EACH? WE HAVE. Here's the kicker: Most members of Congress on both sides of the aisle fall into this wealthy classification and therefore receive all the big tax breaks ... while also receiving a lifetime pension and health benefits even after just one term!!!
Once in awhile, however, a democrat will actually vote against his or her own pocket book/bank account, something the OLD white guys of the GOP have never done or will never do. HEY! John Beyner plays golf 100 days a year - and calls Michelle Obama "Elitest."
Now let's look at this nation's glory years - when everything was booming ... 1945-1971. The tax rates for the super rich hovered between 71% and 94%. And yet, they still prospered and so did everyone else. Our roads were in great shape, our water systems expanding. Our schools were clean; kids had art AND phys ed and they learned to read.

Obama's tax rates are about the same as rates in 1950 - but we surely live in a different world now. We used to only prosecute one war at a time - now that number seems limitless. Teachers and fire fighters used to be able to afford home ownership. Health care didn't cost you your arm AND your leg. Our roadways and bridges were sound. Water systems were expanding. Prudential LIfe wasn't resfusing to pay life insurance to the families of dead military personnel. Corporate chiefs didn't receive $70 million in bonuses for bringing their respective companies to the brink of financial ruin.

But even then the Republicans WERE insisting on tax breaks for the richest. Some things never change!

So, if you: want to continue rewarding the billionaires; keep health care and homes out of the reach of regular Americans; reward the folks who brought you the second Great Depression and challenge the citizenship of your lawful president purely out of spite and racial bias - vote Republican in November.
If you want to give the little guy a fighting chance - Democrats are for YOU!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Hilary for Vice President?

This startling and fascinating idea was tossed into the public consciousness some months ago: should Hilary Rodham Clinton, Madam Secretary of State, and Vice-President Joseph Biden switch positions for the 2012 general election?
Could Hilary and Barack run on the same ticket? Hell yes. Madam Secretary is the ultimate team player. She has "street" experience where it counts; understands about grueling and duelling campaigning; and is tough enough to have withstood her husband's shenanigans for DECADES and the far right's heavy-handed attempts to demonize her ... and still come up smelling of roses.
She is admired. She is pragmatic. She is respected. She would make history.

Would our President have enough presence of mind to recognize and/or admit that he might need her particular and unique brand of "juice" to keep sanity in the Whitehouse? It'd be a HUGE admission and not a tasty one.

Would the Vice-President go for the switcheroo? He has stated publicly that Hilary would have made a better VEEP AND he considers himself a total foreign policy WONK if not approaching true geekness.

Never been done before, you might be saying? Well, HIlary and Barack specialize in that phrase to a point where, politically, one could say they invented "the unprecedented."

Obama and Clinton in 2012? It has a solid gold ring to it, don't you think?

Scud Downing