Wonkissima - Where policy wonks pull nothing over us

This forum will be used to discuss ideas that are not just outside the box but ones that will blow the box away.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Do Republicans care about YOU? Or regaining Washington?

It is possible that congressional Republicans, who were willing to vote for hundreds of billions of dollars of war expenditures without paying for them, or trillions of dollars of tax cuts without paying for them, actually have YOUR best interests at heart? (Thanks to PK)

Why didn't the GOP vote for further economic aid to the states? Hell, they didn't even allow the subject to be properly debated - they filibustered!!Didn't they realize that this aid directly to the states would have significantly affected unemployment rolls in a positive way? Of course they did! Could it be that the Republicans are hoping for MORE folks to be thrown out of jobs? After all, the higher the unemployment rate, the better chance Republicans have to be elected on November 2.

Noooo, you say. No one could be so heartless and conniving - so underhanded.
Are you sure?
Remember in November!

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