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Monday, July 12, 2010

ALERT ALERT GOP COZIES UP TO BP – Remember in November

Will America let British Petroleum off the Hook? Will YOU?

ALERT! ALERT! ALERT! These are the politicians who’ll lead Congress and establish policy if the Republicans are returned to power this November!
*Congressman Joe Barton, the top Republican on the committee overseeing the oil spill and its aftermath, delivered a personal apology to BP, saying the $20 billion fund that President Obama directed BP to establish to provide relief to the victims of the oil disaster was a "tragedy in the first proportion." Not the disaster … the fund to mitigate the disaster.
*As criticism mounted in the wake of Joe Barton's apology to BP, Republican Representative Steve King came to his defense. "I think Joe Barton was spot-on," King avowed on the conservative Laura Ingraham radio show.
* Kentucky's Republican Senate candidate Rand Paul leaped to the defense of BP, calling President Obama's efforts to hold the British company accountable for the Gulf Coast oil spill "un-American."
*On a conservative radio show, Sharron Angle — the GOP nominee for Senate in Nevada — called the Gulf oil spill victims' relief program a "slush fund." When a caller suggested the BP payout was extortion, she agreed, saying, "Government shouldn't be doing that to a private company." Her solution to the energy crisis is to "deregulate" the oil industry.
* Representative Michele Bachmann defended BP, criticizing the Gulf Coast oil spill fund — designed to aid spill victims — as a "redistribution of wealth."
*Rush Limbaugh and other prominent Republicans refer to the BP-pledged mitigation fund as a “slush fund.”

Our thanks to the DNC for compiling this important information!

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