Wonkissima - Where policy wonks pull nothing over us

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Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Most Red states are Marxist

Republican Senators/Congresspeople and conservative dissemblers like Rush and Glenn and Sarah and Sean and other BFHPL (big fat Hypocritan Party liars) yell and scream and moan and groan daily about how the nasty, socialist Democrats are ruining the country with all their taxing and spending. A familiar drone of the superbly rehearsed and mutually echoing Red State representatives and their mouthpieces can be heard each afternoon on the radio, in Houses of Congress sound bites and on nightly news shows who pretend to be fair and balanced but who don’t always reveal the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

Republicans insist that Progressives are redistributing America’s wealth. Republicans are promising an angry constituency to once again be the party of fiscal responsibility. Whether NeoCon or Tea Partier, they declare with right hand on Protestant bible (heavens! Not Catholic or Morman) that they absolutely positively HATE Big Government; LOATHE Big Spending; DETEST Government Handouts and Bailouts.

Hmmm. Check THIS out:
Below, see the states that make real money from your taxes and ours. They can’t support themselves so they suck the life’s blood out of the national treasury. The first list details what the top ten least productive states receive in federal aid, funding and grants in exchange for each dollar they pay in. (Ms.Palin, see #5.)

1)D.C. ($6.17) 2. North Dakota ($2.03) 3. New Mexico ($1.89) 4. Mississippi $1.84) 5. Alaska ($1.82) 6. West Virginia ($1.74) 7. Montana ($1.64)
8. Alabama ($1.61) 9. South Dakota ($1.59) 10. Arkansas ($1.53)

THIS is a list of the top ten states who pay a great deal more in federal taxes than they get back. Each amount is per dollar paid in.

1.New Jersey ($0.62) 2. Connecticut ($0.64) 3. New Hampshire ($0.68) 4. Nevada ($0.73) 5. Illinois ($0.77) 6. Minnesota ($0.77) 7. Colorado ($0.79)
8. Massachusetts ($0.79) 9. California ($0.81) 10. New York ($0.81)

No wonder so many Blue states are in financial trouble – look what they’re dragging along behind them? Why should the richest states prop up the poorest? Isn't that Marxism? "From each according to his ability; to each according to his need."

Of course, tho the Bible contends that we are all our brothers' keepers, many of the most self-professed believers on our national stage act like it's a sin to reach out and help those less fortunate. Unless those unfortunates are constituents.

This list compiled by taxprofblog - 2004

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