Wonkissima - Where policy wonks pull nothing over us

This forum will be used to discuss ideas that are not just outside the box but ones that will blow the box away.

Monday, February 1, 2010

HR 615 makes Americans = to House and Senate

A vote for HR 615 would help put the average American voter on equal health insurance footing with Congressmen/women and Senators!! Hey what a Fabulous idea - especially considering THEY actually work for YOU AND ME!!!

Wankissima is ecstatic to report that on Tuesday, the Senate Health Committee approved, by a vote of 12-11, Senator Tom Coburn's amendment requiring that Members of Congress and their staff be covered by any new government-run health plan.

Congressman John Fleming is offering a similar amendment that would require Congressman/women and Senators to buy into the same health care insurance they mandate for all of us. (Currently, under proposed health care reform, Congress would be exempted from this law and could actually receive any health insurance they wished!)

We encourage all of our enthusiasts to go to Rep. Fleming's web site and SIGN THE PETITION in support of his amendment. Simply navigate to http://fleming.house.gov and follow the prompts.

Coburn and Fleming are both medical doctors which means they actually may know something about this important subject. So make your voice heard and tell your friends! After all, it's YOUR LIFE we're talking about here ... and your future.

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