Wonkissima - Where policy wonks pull nothing over us

This forum will be used to discuss ideas that are not just outside the box but ones that will blow the box away.

Friday, February 12, 2010

GOP loves the rich and mighty

Your mortgage is twice what your house is now worth. Or maybe you already lost your house. The Republicans are saying that most of you made bad financial decisions and must suffer the consequences.
Hey! You lost it to a bunch of thug-like bankers who GOT BAILED OUT WHEN THEY MADE BAD FINANCIAL DECISIONS! And then got billions in bonuses for screwing up. Known as "retention" bonuses, those payment's purpose was and is to keep valuable people (too valuable to fire) working at big banks (too big to fail.) The logic is: if you don't pay those geniuses tons of money (for accomplishing what Usama Bin Laden couldn't - bringing America's financial system to its knees), they might end up working for a financial competitor. Horrors!
And here's an interesting wrinkle - even people who had already left their jobs received "retention" bonuses!

Lost your job? Join the club and get to the back of the line - which is now 8 million people long. Of course, CEO's in some industries are making record salaries and getting millions of dollars in stock options. They made their companies less vulnerable by sending millions of guys and gals in entry level jobs to the unemployment lines. SCROTUS (Supreme Court Republicans of the United States) recently ruled that those rich and powerful companies who always slash the workforce first and then investigate company efficiency, can now spend as much moolah as they want to get their favorite elected officials re-elected.

When the Republicans controlled both Houses of Congress and the White House in 2004 and 2006 - how much healthcare reform did they pass? Zero, zilch, nada, rien de tout, zippo. In the long and storied history of this great nation, when Republicans controlled the White House and/or both Houses of Congress, how much healthcare reform did they pass? Please see preceding sentence.

And finally, you know all those conservative GOP southerners who rail and rant and rage against Big Government, Big Spending, the Big Bailout, the Big Tarp? And then pose for photographs with their constituents holding the Big Government Check? Most of those guys all represent states that pay $1.00 in federal taxes and get back $1.50 in federal aid. Or even $1.75. Blue states like California and New Jersey? They pay in $1.00 and get back $.73 or even less in federal aid. Could this be the REAL reason why some progressive blue states are in greater financial trouble than the antigressive reddest of the red states? Hmmm ...

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