Wonkissima - Where policy wonks pull nothing over us

This forum will be used to discuss ideas that are not just outside the box but ones that will blow the box away.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Glenn Beck Castrato #2 indeedy doody

Glenn Beck has a sweet deal. Every time he gins ups the fear factor in America, he rakes in the gelt with both hands. Hey! It’s working! His estimated take is $38 million a year, making him well and truly an Official Fat Cat and yanking him farther and farther away from the realities of his everyman/woman base. (We use the word “realities” loosely here. Mr. Beck ain’t too grounded in FACT nor obviously does he wish to be.)

If you’ve ever listened to the nation’s greatest Chicken Little impersonator (THE SKY IS FALLING!!!), you’d realize he’s more full of twaddle than any Area 51 enthusiast and would humble Oliver Stone in a head-to-head conspiracy theory smack down.

His wildly outlandish assertions are unsupported by such trivialities as documentation, main stream experts, smoking guns or rational thinking. In one famous example, he revealed to his faithful listeners that the decorations on the very building from whence he broadcasts are actually powerful symbols of everything evil in the world. Such a brave man to go to work each day with no bodyguards or Catholic priests versed in exorcism! (Or does Beck, raised a rigorous Latter Day Saint, believe that Catholics and their Pope are Lucifer’s minions?)

Yes indeedy doody (with doody being the operative word) Glenn Beck appears to be a master of: the treachery treatise, intrigue ideology, cabal conjecture, perfidy premise and general major misconception. We think he is sowing the seeds of mistrust, casting aspersions, bearing false witness and profiteering mightily from it all. What do YOU think, lovely readers? Should we dub him the Hero of Hoohah? The King of Cuckoo? The Maven of Misery? The Foremost Fruitcake Aficionado?

We think we have a better idea. After careful consideration … we are proud to name Mr. Glenn Beck as Wankissima’s Castrato Numero Dos! His willful fear mongering and misinformation machine qualify him Eunuch-ly!

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