Wonkissima - Where policy wonks pull nothing over us

This forum will be used to discuss ideas that are not just outside the box but ones that will blow the box away.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

How About 1 billion FREE Man-hours for America!!

To Congressman Luis Gutierrez, Senator Charles Schumer and Senator Lindsey Graham

So, you mean to tackle immigration … and about time, too. Documenting more Legals means more tax revenues, a more flexible work force and more money flowing into the U.S. economy. It would also mean less stress on our local police and border patrols. As millions of emigrants come licitly under our jurisdiction, the criminal element could be more easily weeded out and deported.
We have examined several relevant studies on the subject and believe that, even under the present circumstances, Illegals contribute more to America’s coffers by far than they drain away. However being able to mix freely in Society, being able to advertise and market one’s skills openly and securing a safe and secure foothold in this Land of Promise is always superior to hiding out on the fringes and/or operating in the shadows. Legitimacy also affords the immigrant greater protection and support under the law, which is crucial in a Nation of Laws.
However, criminal actions must be atoned for in a Nation of Laws. Therefore, Wankissima offers this novel solution: before any Illegal can apply for American Citizenship, he or she MUST FIRST complete 100 hours of documented community service with the approved organization of his or her choice. A list of approved organizations would be generated at the most local level – City or County or even City AND County. Many Americans convicted of crimes are already sentenced to community service. Let’s simply expand this already common concept and practice.

11 million Illegals x 100 hours = 1.1 billion FREE man-hours for America.

The advantages of this proposal are numerous for all sides of the equation: A mainstreaming of those currently on the fringes; mixing with one’s fellow men in a contributory manner; showing off and even expanding skills in a public forum; expanding possible future employment contacts; hundreds or thousands of FREE hours of work for even the smallest of communities across America. The one hitch? Workers Comp Coverage, which we’ll leave to the legislators.

The United States is still struggling out of an economic chasm. Let’s help Her – and invite all those who would join the melting pot to give of their energy and talent BEFORE they enjoy the privileges.

1 comment:

Jeff Moore said...

The illegals are already giving us free hours - they work for less than min. wage, no benefits and often in poor conditions. You want them to give even more? What is wrong with you?