Wonkissima - Where policy wonks pull nothing over us

This forum will be used to discuss ideas that are not just outside the box but ones that will blow the box away.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Go Shirley Sherrod!

The slandered Department of Agriculture employee - Shirley Sherrod - who was falsely represented as a racist by conservative blogger, black baiter and non-white hater Andrew Breitbart - has made it official. She will sue her unrepentent attacker/vilifier to redress the public - and erroneous - annihilation of her reputation and the loss of her job.

Sherrod has again been offered employment by AG but is unsure whether this "outreach" position is actually even funded yet, much less on some org chart.

Breitbart had access to the entirety of Sherrod's speech on racism but chose only those bits that misportrayed her ultimate message: we all are confronted with our own bias from time to time and we must be vigilant, look within and behave with respect and empathy.

Wonkissima wishes to THANK our intelligent and activist followers for adding impetus to the outrage engendered by this story. YOU ROCK!!!

Now ... GO GET 'EM, SHIRLEY!!!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010


The White House and the NAACP have been duped yet again by conservative activists! When will they ever learn?

White supremacist and elitist Andrew Breitbart ("I don't care about Shirley Sherrod.")knowingly trashed the good reputation of a black woman he had never even met to "get back" at the NAACP for their concern about the racist element in the Tea Party movement. He admitted as much to the FOX lip-syncing mouthpiece/the poor man's Rush Limbaugh aka Sean Hannity.
Other FOX white supremacists/elitists picked up the story without fact checking - shocking! - and continued the stoning of this innocent Dept. of Agriculture employee. They should all be sued and wonkissima contributors would be overjoyed to sit on THAT jury.

What seems beyond understanding is that the White House and the NAACP jumped on the bandwagon, swallowing whole the scrofulous bilge spewed by Breitbart and FOX about this innocent victim.

It appears that the constant pre-planned and memorized ocean of lies churned out by rote by FOX, Rush, Glenn, Sean, Michelle, Laura, and Sarah has clipped the balls of groups that OUGHT TO KNOW BETTER BY NOW!

Shirley - we feel for YOU. You made a grand gesture toward racial conciliation by discussing openly and honestly what too many people will never admit - an initial prejudice based not on character but on color. We all have faced that moment but few of us have the strength to be truthful about it and fewer have come away behaving as even-handedly as you did.

The WH and the NAACP ought to feel shamed. How and when did they lose their family jewels? Those tight assed Righties? - so full of bitter venom as well as hatred for non-whites and the middle class, not to mention the poor - have no conscience and no empathy. How easily they bear false witness - and for this they will inherit the wind.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Do Republicans care about YOU? Or regaining Washington?

It is possible that congressional Republicans, who were willing to vote for hundreds of billions of dollars of war expenditures without paying for them, or trillions of dollars of tax cuts without paying for them, actually have YOUR best interests at heart? (Thanks to PK)

Why didn't the GOP vote for further economic aid to the states? Hell, they didn't even allow the subject to be properly debated - they filibustered!!Didn't they realize that this aid directly to the states would have significantly affected unemployment rolls in a positive way? Of course they did! Could it be that the Republicans are hoping for MORE folks to be thrown out of jobs? After all, the higher the unemployment rate, the better chance Republicans have to be elected on November 2.

Noooo, you say. No one could be so heartless and conniving - so underhanded.
Are you sure?
Remember in November!

Monday, July 12, 2010

ALERT ALERT GOP COZIES UP TO BP – Remember in November

Will America let British Petroleum off the Hook? Will YOU?

ALERT! ALERT! ALERT! These are the politicians who’ll lead Congress and establish policy if the Republicans are returned to power this November!
*Congressman Joe Barton, the top Republican on the committee overseeing the oil spill and its aftermath, delivered a personal apology to BP, saying the $20 billion fund that President Obama directed BP to establish to provide relief to the victims of the oil disaster was a "tragedy in the first proportion." Not the disaster … the fund to mitigate the disaster.
*As criticism mounted in the wake of Joe Barton's apology to BP, Republican Representative Steve King came to his defense. "I think Joe Barton was spot-on," King avowed on the conservative Laura Ingraham radio show.
* Kentucky's Republican Senate candidate Rand Paul leaped to the defense of BP, calling President Obama's efforts to hold the British company accountable for the Gulf Coast oil spill "un-American."
*On a conservative radio show, Sharron Angle — the GOP nominee for Senate in Nevada — called the Gulf oil spill victims' relief program a "slush fund." When a caller suggested the BP payout was extortion, she agreed, saying, "Government shouldn't be doing that to a private company." Her solution to the energy crisis is to "deregulate" the oil industry.
* Representative Michele Bachmann defended BP, criticizing the Gulf Coast oil spill fund — designed to aid spill victims — as a "redistribution of wealth."
*Rush Limbaugh and other prominent Republicans refer to the BP-pledged mitigation fund as a “slush fund.”

Our thanks to the DNC for compiling this important information!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Remember in November, BIG BANKS LOVE the GOP!!!!

There are only 120 or so shopping days left before the 2010 General Election. Wonkissima uses the term "shopping" because BIG Wall Street is in a buying mood and currently shoveling more gelt at the GOP than Glenn Beck is making from huckstering overly priced gold coins.

Yes, the Donkey party is being bypassed by the Too-Big-To-Fail $$$ gravy train. Why? you may wonder.

Well, because progressives and even moderate Dems have escalated their pursuit of real financial reform, Wallstreet has begun lopping them off at the pocketbook. Wait ,,, this could be a good thing.

And since the GOP is, shall we say, intimately cozy with all the BIGs - BIG Health, BIG Insurance, BIG Guns, BIG Oil, BIG Coal - it's no wonder Big Wall Street is hurling BIG bucks at Republican campaigns as fast as Rush Limbaugh can eat.

Even if it is only 5 bucks - donate to the Dems today. Cause if they lose BIG in November, little guys like us are TOAST.