Wonkissima - Where policy wonks pull nothing over us

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Friday, March 5, 2010

Supreme Court, Cheney, Lindsay Gramm al Qaeda sympathizers?

Stunning and astonishing! On March 4, 2010, Rachel Maddow proved an undeniable and irrefutable “sympathizer connection” between al Qaeda terrorists and the current US Supreme Court, George W. Bush, Vice President Dick Cheney and Sen. Lindsay Gramm.

Building on previous allegations by Liz Cheney regarding the so-called “alQaeda 7” – lawyers who have defended terrorists in American courts and military tribunals – and using investigatory journalism techniques mastered by Glenn Beck, Maddow unloaded a bombshell of a secret – how many of our highest ranking officials are actually Islamic extremist puppets. Apparently, a vast swath of our nation’s leaders have either handed down judicial rulings favoring the rights of al Qaeda suspects, urged lawyers from across the country to defend al Qaeda suspects or actually assisted in accomplishing the release of al Qaeda suspects from captivity at Guantanamo by “proving” there was no real evidence to support prosecution.

The lengthy list of damning associations and historical facts, laid bare by an increasingly agitated Maddow during her nightly news hour on MSNBC, was shocking and disgusting. But the last blast of accusations hurled out onto the airwaves by Maddow were gasp-producing – it seems that Liz Cheney had only actually accused the “al Qaeda 7” in order to prevent her own terrorist associations and those of her father the former Vice President, from discovery.

As the show ended, a uniformed officer led Maddow away in handcuffs when it was revealed that Maddow had ties to Liz Cheney.


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