Wonkissima - Where policy wonks pull nothing over us

This forum will be used to discuss ideas that are not just outside the box but ones that will blow the box away.

Friday, March 26, 2010


Probable 2012 Republican Presidential candidate Mitt Romney is vilifying, lambasting, disparaging, bemoaning, dissing and trashing the health care reform bill to anyone that will listen. Basically, the ex-Massachusetts governor is embracing the fear mongering and all out LYING that's been done about the legislation over the past 18 or so months by other BIG HEALTH-supported Republicans.

In Romney’s words, the passing of “ObamaCare” was "an unconscionable abuse of power." Romney also complained about "the extreme tactics" used to enact this law - most noticeably a process called “reconciliation.” And THEN, he whined about not having been consulted on the subject by the President or Congressional Democrats.

Of course, THE FACTS tell a slightly different tale. ObamaCare bears a striking similarity to “RomneyCare” – health care reform that was crafted by Romney and friends and became law in Massachusetts while Romney was governor. All that stuff about people HAVING to buy health insurance (the MANDATE) was HIS IDEA and was in the legislation he sponsored. Actually, the MANDATE is a dsamned good idea. Why? Because a lot of the adult Americans who haven’t been buying health insurance are younger people who are healthy as horses and consider themselves bullet proof. Why would THEY need insurance? Until something terrible happens. Then they end up in an emergency room and we wind up footing the bill, which can amount to tens of thousands of dollars. When these youngsters finally dive into the insurance pool, with financial help from their Uncle Sam, they will help spread out the risk factor.

And that reconciliation thingy so many Republicans are going on and on and on and on about? That Mr. Romney is going on and on about? It’s been used 22 times in the past 9 years – 16 times by the GOP.

Mitt Romney is supposed to be this intelligent and financially savvy guy. Did he somehow forget about RomneyCare? Is he unaware of the Republicans' use of reconciliation? Is his brain addled? Is he just plain dumb? Or is he lying with the skill and political expediency of Machiavelli?

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