Wonkissima - Where policy wonks pull nothing over us

This forum will be used to discuss ideas that are not just outside the box but ones that will blow the box away.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

All Americans are NOT equal but they SHOULD be!

When our nation struggled into existence, the men who forged the agreements by which we are still bound had some RADICAL ideas. For example, the idea that all men were created equal had never before been spelled out in a written state document. Even the Magna Carta, which laid out the rights of the governed in England and limited the power of the King distinguished between free men and those bound in slavery or service of some kind. Still, in the Western world, the Great Charter was a significant document for 1215 and a natural precursor to our Constitution.
But back in 1787 when the Constitution was written, the idea that one man was not intrinsically better than another by birthright was as revolutionary a concept as any that has existed on this Earth. Of course, this nation flourished with slavery. And yet, the IDEA that everyone had equal protection under the law was still a magnificent step forward.
In fact, most holy writings, ancient cultures and even a number of modern societies favor one race or one religion or one line of work over all others.
Across the globe and throughout the span of history, some have always been born into wealth and high position while most were born into poverty, servitude, ignorance, punishment, starvation and an early death often after being literally worked to death.
For women, the entire history of homo sapiens has been even more brutal - a painful truth still very much extant in this modern day. That’s why spelled out legal rights have always been and will always be of the utmost importance.

America, land of the FREE where ALL are equal in the eyes of the law …!

Really? Then why do those we employ to run our affairs of state behave as though they have been placed above We the People who put them there? When did our electeds begin positioning themselves above the law – and above us? They rarely are even censured for transgressions most of us would be summarily fired for. When they don’t pay their taxes, when they use public money for private purposes, they are often rewarded by being returned to the scene of their crimes … Washington D.C.!!!
And why can’t all of us rely on: - a lifetime pension and health benefits after just two years on the job; - a post-electorate selling (to the highest corporate bidder) of the knowledge and influence the taxpayers funded; OR - a fabulous, inclusive, affordable health plan! Our senators and congresspeople enjoy ALL of the above. Therefore, wonkissima supports the following:

28th amendment: "Congress shall make no law that applies to the citizens of the United States that does not apply equally to Senators and Representatives; and, Congress shall make no law that applies to the Senators and Representatives that does not apply equally to the citizens of the United States."

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