Wonkissima - Where policy wonks pull nothing over us

This forum will be used to discuss ideas that are not just outside the box but ones that will blow the box away.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Prez speech deserves YOUR time

Our Commander in Chief will be addressing us tonight on the State of the Union. You might be thinking "Snore time!" Or "So What?" Or "I've got better things to do than to listen to some smoke blown by some politician."

Think again.

People who don't vote get the government they deserve. And people who are not involved in the political process GET THE GOVERNMENT THEY DESERVE. SO STOP MOANING AND GROANING AND DO SOMETHING!

Rmember how many of us were swept up in the excitement of the last election? And then many of us disappeared from the political arena ... poof! So, the idiots that pretend to represent us went back to their very very bad and dishonest and disgusting and selfish and self-serving and fear based and war profiteering and totally partisan behavior. We may be crying boohoo now but WE let it happen.

These days, you can easily affect what Washington insiders do; what your state capital insiders do; what your City and County insiders do - tweet your opinions every day or every week. Go to their Face Book page and give them hell if that's what's on your mind. Keep your own little bursts of pressure ON and it WILL have an effect over time. Water torture takes a while but it does wear away stone eventually - how do you think the Grand Canyon was formed?

"Who am I by myself to make a difference in this big crazy world?" you might be asking yourself. Well, there's over 300,000,000 of us regular folks out here and we can kick some serious posterior.

You want more and better jobs for your age group? Let 'em know! Is healthcare on top of your list? Text or tweet today. And tomorrow. And next week and again the week after. Tired of fighting wars we can't win? Access your access. Bombard the jerks who are into their own scrofulous agendas at the expense of the wishes of the VOTERS. That's US!!!!!

This message is especially for the Futurists out there - you DO affect and change and create the universe you experience.

And if it takes too much time, if it's too much trouble, if you can't take the 30 seconds a day or a week to make your self HEARD - then you are getting the government you deserve. If you don't like it, at least bitch to the folks who can actually DO something!!!

Start tonight. Listen to Obama's speech. You don't have to agree. Just listen. Then think. Then COMMUNICATE!

1 comment:

Tom said...

As they say a little less talk and a lot more action.
