Wonkissima - Where policy wonks pull nothing over us

This forum will be used to discuss ideas that are not just outside the box but ones that will blow the box away.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Limbaugh profits on tragedy and suffering

We`are all God's children ... some of us are just cleverly disguised.

Rush Limbaugh's latest words about our President's and our government's rush to help the nation of Haiti is a perfect example of hubris overarching human dignity. The human Michelin Man's total belief in his own greatness and his insistence that his hate-speech is simply intelligent political discourse trumps any wisp of compassion that could still be discovered in the jiggling and chaotic ectoplasm that is his body.

We feel certain Rush is not afraid of Judgement Day however many slurs he casts upon the world's woeful or upon good people that simply wish to help. His egomaniacal pronouncements on Obama's motives never cease to amaze and disgust us, especially in relation to the terrible plight of the good people of Haiti. And his "insights" into the social and cultural conditions of "light skinned" and "dark skinned" blacks is the effluent and pestulance of conservative talk radio.

Rush often speaks as though he thinks he is God - the One and Only, the One True All Seeing and All Knowing. Luckily for his ever expanding wallet, Lord Rotundity's slavish followers seem as addicted to his venomous words as he is to oxycontin. And food. Of course, his opinions say so much more about his own driving core beliefs than anyone else's. He preaches about what our President REALLY intends - and reveals with breathtaking clarity what he, Rush Limbaugh, really intends.

Rush's legacy thus far as we see it: half a billion dollars; a predilection for lying; the love of the sound of his own voice above all else; ex-wives scattered across the nation; a growing rift between his dittohead yes-men and -women and the thinking portion of our population; and yelling obscenities replacing a real exchange of ideas.


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