Wonkissima - Where policy wonks pull nothing over us

This forum will be used to discuss ideas that are not just outside the box but ones that will blow the box away.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Founding Fathers Distrusted Christianity

From time to time, American Conservatives tout our "Christian beginnings" and would have us shout "Amen!" every time we salute Old Glory. They'd engrave the ten commandments (Protestant version? Jewish version? Catholic version? All versions?) on our dollar bill and have us ALL obey their interpretations of Holy Writ.
But is this what our Founding Fathers envisioned when they created this great nation?In the interests of truth, wankissima will endeavor to bring those enlightened gentlemen's own words to you, our fearless and most esteemed readers, and let you decide for yourselves where the matter stands.
We encourage you to check out the source material for these quotes!

Thomas Jefferson on Christ and Christianity, Vol. 1, episode 1

Millions of innocent men, women and children, since the introduction of Christianity, have been burnt, tortured, fined and imprisoned; yet we have not advanced one inch towards uniformity. Thomas Jefferson, Notes on Virginia, 1782
But it does me no injury for my neighbor to say there are twenty gods or no God. It neither picks my pocket nor breaks my leg. Thomas Jefferson, Notes on Virginia, 1782
Question with boldness even the existence of a god; because if there be one he must approve of the homage of reason more than that of blindfolded fear. -Thomas Jefferson, letter to Peter Carr, August 10, 1787
Where the preamble declares, that coercion is a departure from the plan of the holy author of our religion, an amendment was proposed by inserting "Jesus Christ," so that it would read "A departure from the plan of Jesus Christ, the holy author of our religion;" the insertion was rejected by the great majority, in proof that they meant to comprehend, within the mantle of its protection, the Jew and the Gentile, the Christian and Mohammedan, the Hindoo and Infidel of every denomination. Thomas Jefferson, Autobiography, in reference to the Virginia Act for Religious Freedom

Sunday, December 27, 2009

How About 1 billion FREE Man-hours for America!!

To Congressman Luis Gutierrez, Senator Charles Schumer and Senator Lindsey Graham

So, you mean to tackle immigration … and about time, too. Documenting more Legals means more tax revenues, a more flexible work force and more money flowing into the U.S. economy. It would also mean less stress on our local police and border patrols. As millions of emigrants come licitly under our jurisdiction, the criminal element could be more easily weeded out and deported.
We have examined several relevant studies on the subject and believe that, even under the present circumstances, Illegals contribute more to America’s coffers by far than they drain away. However being able to mix freely in Society, being able to advertise and market one’s skills openly and securing a safe and secure foothold in this Land of Promise is always superior to hiding out on the fringes and/or operating in the shadows. Legitimacy also affords the immigrant greater protection and support under the law, which is crucial in a Nation of Laws.
However, criminal actions must be atoned for in a Nation of Laws. Therefore, Wankissima offers this novel solution: before any Illegal can apply for American Citizenship, he or she MUST FIRST complete 100 hours of documented community service with the approved organization of his or her choice. A list of approved organizations would be generated at the most local level – City or County or even City AND County. Many Americans convicted of crimes are already sentenced to community service. Let’s simply expand this already common concept and practice.

11 million Illegals x 100 hours = 1.1 billion FREE man-hours for America.

The advantages of this proposal are numerous for all sides of the equation: A mainstreaming of those currently on the fringes; mixing with one’s fellow men in a contributory manner; showing off and even expanding skills in a public forum; expanding possible future employment contacts; hundreds or thousands of FREE hours of work for even the smallest of communities across America. The one hitch? Workers Comp Coverage, which we’ll leave to the legislators.

The United States is still struggling out of an economic chasm. Let’s help Her – and invite all those who would join the melting pot to give of their energy and talent BEFORE they enjoy the privileges.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Blind Pursuit of Money Assassinating America's Promise?

The chasm between the wealthiest Americans and Americans who can barely catch a break is widening frighteningly and has been doing so since Ronald Reagan elevated having a fat bank balance to being a REAL AMERICAN. Practically singlehandedly, Ron made amassing a fortune equal to being somehow morally superior to everyone else. If you weren't rich, you were chewed gum on the sole of a shoe.

As this idea has borne fruit exponentially. we can examine two of the outcomes of this philosophy more closely.

1) All those bankers who used our hard earned deposits to gamble horrifically, then lost everything - well we wound up bailing those sons of bitches out. They're still up to their old tricks with greater profits than ever before in history and billions of dollars of performance bonuses for doing something Osama Bin Laudin couldn't - bringing America to her knees. And all this in the midst of the greatest financial crisis since the Great Depression. Those keepers of our savings certainly have been busy.

2) Big Health Care executives receive millions in bonuses from boosting their company's profits by denying health insurance to someone because he or she is profundly ill. Wow! Or ... perhaps those stone-hearted insurance big wigs yanked it or even refused to make the contracted payout even though the policy owner faithfully forked up ever-leaping premiums, sometimes over decades. Some insurance companies turn down up to 39% of medical claims! A Harvard study tells us 45,000 Americans, including 2,200 US military veterans DIE each year because they can't afford or can't get health insurance. Even now, over 60% of bankruptcies in the U.S. are health emergency-related. There are folks working THREE JOBS who still can't afford health insurance. So, those executives become obscenely rich while pronouncing a death penalty on their less fortunate American brothers and sisters.

Do these situations bother anyone else out there?

The level playing field promised in our Constitution - not to mention the sacred right of the pursuit of happiness - has become one long impossible uphill battle for most Americans from cradle to grave.

No one is asking for a handout! But how about a respite from one kick in the collective stomach after another?

Is the blind pursuit of the almighty dollar morally superior to being our brothers' and sisters' keepers? Are the greedy and grasping actually just a cancer assassinating America's promise?


Thursday, December 17, 2009

Big Health executing Americans for 30 pieces of silver

This morning, a White House spokesman stated that when it comes to climate change agreements between nations - any old deal is NOT better than no deal at all. Why enact regulations that don't actually mitigate the problem? Why bother to force feed a sorry bunch of dead end ideas and half-assed fixes that don't even begin to address the root causes of global warming?
These are excellent questions and all and sundry at wankissima agree with the philosophy.

So ... why have Obama and the lily-livered liberals caved and caved and caved about health care? Why is any old deal better than no deal? Why are health insurers keeping their exemption from anti-trust legislation? Why are there no real reforms on excalating insurance policy costs? If everyone MUST purchase a policy but there is no competition between companies, Big Health will turn even more obscene profits at the expense of American families.

According to a Harvard study, 45,000 Americans die each year because they can't afford health insurance OR they have been turned down due to their "pre-existing condition!!" Ergo, Big Health gets rich when Americans die. Big Health executives sentence Americans to death every single day by denying or yanking coverage usually through no fault of the premium payer. This hideous statistic includes about 2,000 US military veterans every 12 months. The punishment for this very real crime? Big Health companies end up lining their coffers with thirty pieces of silver - the ultimate betrayal.

How much longer will this murderous rampage continue? How much longer will Obama and his fellow cowards allow Health Insurance big shots to kill for profit like run-of-the-mill drug lords and their minions?

One more day is TOO LONG.

Monday, December 7, 2009

How many women does it take to unscrew Tiger's lightbulb?

You've heard of a "punch line" - in any joke, it delivers the laugh. So, how about a "punch question?" How many women does it take to uscrew Tiger's lightbulb?

Rats! Just when we were embracing Pro golfer Woods' ocho ALLEGED on-the-side romances, up pops number nine! Think of the 2-cubed possibilities:
"Say it eight so, Tiger!" "Eight is enough." "The Octoman." "Mr. Eight Iron."
And my personal favorite: "Grrrr8!!

Tiger has always insisted he wanted to own all of golf's records ... but who is he REALLY chasing ... Jack Nicklaus ... or Arnild Palmer?

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

RAH! for trash talking (and embodying) Veep Cheney

Veep Cheney MUST continue his treasonous, acid, disingenuous, misguided, self-serving, arrogant and ultimately pitiful attacks on our Commander-in-Chief. Cheney's time as leader of the free world (he didn't take the oath but he WAS the puppet master) is over. Thank Heaven! When he left the ceremony on Inauguration Day, he was reviled. He is still reviled. He embraces torture and believes that the broadest, most expensive military solution is the only solution. Every time. Though he creatively side-stepped his own Vietnam-era military service a handful of times, he rushes to send our precious young men and women into harm's way on any spur of the moment. His friends at Blackwater are all multi billionaires.
The longer this unfortunate piece of work stays in the public eye, bitter and twisted, the better chance reasoned and reasoning men and women of character have to get and stay elected.