Wonkissima - Where policy wonks pull nothing over us

This forum will be used to discuss ideas that are not just outside the box but ones that will blow the box away.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

McConnell lying about finance reform - what else is new?

Conservative power broker Senator Mitch McConnell is at it again ... boy is he a one-man misinformation campaign! During the health insurance reform debate, he stood on the same soap box as Righter-than-Right extremists like Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity and Sarah Palin and shouted the same lies as they did almost word for word ... "Obamacare will kill your Grannie!" or how about those supposed Death Panels? or the rape of Medicare? the decrease in medical benefits for former military? All lies. And now proven to be lies.

This week, the Senate Minority Leader from Kentucky, fresh from his sojurn to New York where he dined and wined (and whined) with the Wall Street Elite, is spouting a whole new ration of Bushwa - the bill favored by Omama will BAIL OUT failed banks!
Not true! It simply requires them to gamble with their own reserves. Not with our retirement accounts; not with tax payer money; not with OPM at all (other people's money) - but with assets owned and controlled by the banks.

Wall Street Elite brought this country to its knees in a fashion al Qaeda and Osama Bin Laden could only drool over and lust for. Now, after receiving bail outs from W Bush and the Republican controlled Congress of 2008 THAT REQUIRED NO REPAYMENT AT FAVORABLE INTEREST RATES, Wall Street bankers are raking in profits and bonuses at record rates - often by taking the same risks that rocked our financial system to its core a scant 18 months ago. Do you know what a "derivative" is? If not, maybe you should find out ...

At last, Goldman Sachs has been formally accused of fraud by the SEC. Wonkissima hopes that this prosecution will finally pierce the iron curtain of secrecy that surrounds most behind-the-scenes trades and bring the entire slimy mess into the light of day.

But don't expect Mitch and his Big Banker friends to be forthcoming with information no matter how deeply they may be enmeshed and don't expect the bought and paid for members of Congress to jump on the finance reform bandwagon.

Do expect an eventual bill with some real teeth from supported by our President and do expect lies, lies, lies from the opposition.

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