Wonkissima - Where policy wonks pull nothing over us

This forum will be used to discuss ideas that are not just outside the box but ones that will blow the box away.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Let's Check Everyone's Papers!

Arizona lawmakers have passed legislation making illegal immigration a crime in their state. The governor signed it into law. The police can now ask anyone "suspicious" for documentation proving legal entry into the country or proof of citizenship. The police will be trained to spot "suspicious" folks.

How will "suspicious" look? Will it be cultural - a certain type of music on the MP3 player? How about clothing? How do suspicious clothes hang?

What if the possible perp can't speak fluent English? Of course, the person in question would have to answer a question to demonstrate command of language or lack of same - so again, how would a law enforcement officer determine "suspicious"?

If someone attends a mass said in Spanish, is that suspicious? If someone is dark skinned, is that suspicious? What if they're poor? Homeless? Mentally ill? Obese? Ill shod? Addicted to artisan bread? Confused?

In Denmark during the 1940s, the Nazis, who had conquered the country, decreed that every Jew in the nation wear a yellow star on his or her sleeve. The next day, the Royal Family appeared with yellow stars on their sleeves.

Wonkissima would never compare the seriousness of the Holocost with this Arizona law - but at what moment does racial persecution begin? Could this law lead to profiling?
It may not be YOU the powers-that-be are coming for right this second, but some day. if we don't all take a stand, it just might be.

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