Wonkissima - Where policy wonks pull nothing over us

This forum will be used to discuss ideas that are not just outside the box but ones that will blow the box away.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Rush Limbaugh adores subsidized health care

After spewing vitriol day after day for years, is it any wonder Rush Limbaugh found himself in the hospital during his Hawaiian vacation with what he thought was a heart attack? Bile does eat away at body parts ... and acid reflux is painful.

According to his post-release press conference, Mr. Mouth apparently adores unionized, socialized Blue state American health care. Mr. Limbaugh praised the doctors and nurses, the hospital, the facilities - his entire experience. We are certain he was not aware that Hawaii offers the most progressive and highly subsidized medical insurance in this country. Island healthcare is socialized up the wazoo and unionized to beat the band. And we have Mr. Limbaugh's unpaid and unsolicited testimonial to inform us how well that kind of system performs - perfectly!

Here are some tenants of Hawaiian law: employers are required to provide health coverage to "regular employees" who earn a threshold wage (about 20 hoursper week); businesses can purchase a state approved plan or fund their own; employers pay at least half the premiums while workers only pay up to 1.5% of their income - additional cost is supplemented by the state!

In Hawaii, poor schlubs like us would be afforded the same safety net and receive the same treatment as The Pompous One without having to clear $38 mil a year. Hmmm.

We welcome Rush to the enlightened side of the discussion, unwitting tho he was, and await with bated breath and eager anticipation his next pronouncements on the issue!

1 comment:

Peter Lindman said...

I think Rush went to Hawaii on purpose because Obama was there. He probably thought that he wouldn't get good treatment and then he could bash Obama.
Maybe he just had indegistion - probably from seeing himself on TV.