Wonkissima - Where policy wonks pull nothing over us

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Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Tea Party Candidate Darlings are big ass nutburger sandwich

What in the hideous Hades has happened to the GOP? (Goofy Odd People) candidates across the United States are acting and sounding like buffoons, spouting wildly inaccurate descriptions of “The Constitution”; swearing to tear down Social Security and Medicare; and wallowing like cockroaches in excrement in the glory of their seemingly increasing states of ignorance and wide eyed naïveté. Every time they open their eyes, they see a brand new world … and embrace a brand new set of crazy-ass platform planks.

Dr Rand Paul down there in Kentucky claims to be a “Board Certified” ophthalmologist. Except of course, HE founded that particular medical Board. Is that ethical? He has said he does NOT "necessarilly" agree with the Voting Rights Act or the Americans with Disabilities Act or that any business should be forced to abandon racism in its common practice. Hey, if somebody wants to refuse service to blacks, gays, crippled war vets, the blind or midgets – that’s his prerogative and their tough luck. He calls it Libertarianism and swears he’s a “strict constitutionalist.” That means he’d revoke the vote for women if only he could.

Delaware’s own Repub Senate candidate Christine O’Donnell, that witchiest of women, refutes that a separation of church and state exists in the First Amendment. She assures that condoms don’t protect against HIV-Aids, contradicting the CDC and World Health Org – but what do they know?. She also dismisses evolution out of hand (in her case, she could be right) and would insist that Creationism be taught instead. Megan McCain has called the anti-self-sex champion a “joke” a “nut job” and “an embarrassment.” GOP Partee Head Michael Steele and Megan’s daddio, Sen John (that OTHER McCain), have both expressed a belief that O’Donnell is qualified to serve in the US Senate. Well, let’s not forget that addled and cantankerous John McCain picked a running mate whose foreign policy experience, by her own admission, sprang from the fact that she could see Russia from her Alaskan back yard … a person who couldn’t name a Supreme Court Case she disagreed with … like the one regarding the Exxon-Valdez disaster which took place in … ALASKA!

And leave us not omit Nevada Senate runner Sharron Angle. She would eradicate Social Security, Medicare and the Departments of Education and Energy. Interestingly, she has been endorsed by the Church of Scientology, many of whose beliefs she has espoused in the past. Most recently, she attempted to copyright all her previous policy statements so they couldn’t be used in ads against her by her opponent, Harry Reid.

Colorado’s Ken Buck would require any little girl who was raped by her father or Uncle or other family member to bear a child if she became pregnant from this abuse. In fact, Ken Buck would like to see a time when that little girl, that poor dear rape victim, would be criminally prosecuted for having an abortion.

This Fearsome Foursome represent the tippy top of the scariest ice berg to threaten America since the sinking of the Titanic.

America – look closely at your election options and VOTE FOR SANITY on November 2.

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