Wonkissima - Where policy wonks pull nothing over us

This forum will be used to discuss ideas that are not just outside the box but ones that will blow the box away.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Is Sarah Palin a Puppet?

Who is Sarah Palin? Is she a rogue figure as her book title suggests? Greater than the sum of her parts? A genius at political manipulation? Or is she actually more of a puppet who believes and does as she is told?

Item: Sarah and husband Todd have been and are long-time members of Christian churches so conservative and out of the main stream that exorcisms are regularly conducted by their pastors in front of the congregations. One common tenant of such churches is that man was created to glorify God and that woman was created to glorify man. Or alternatively, that a woman must submit to her husband in all things.

So, who is Todd Palin and how much control does he have over his wife’s opinions and her dealings both inside the family and outside in the political world?

Item 1: Records indicate that beginning in 1995, Todd Palin was a member of the Alaska Independence Party, a radicalized ultra conservative group that insists on and actively works toward Alaska’s secession from the United States. Except for one brief period, Todd Palin remained registered with AIP until July 2002. Item 2: Several inside sources have publicly stated and written that, while Sarah was the governor of Alaska, her husband, who had no official capacity or title, was copied on most of the governor’s official emails and more often than not, sat in on official meetings of state.

Sarah Palin is plenty smart with charisma to burn. But is she relevant? Would Dick Cheney run or Mitt Romney run with her on a presidential ticket? Is her husband, the Secessionist, really calling the shots?

America deserves answers.

Scud Downing

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