Wonkissima - Where policy wonks pull nothing over us

This forum will be used to discuss ideas that are not just outside the box but ones that will blow the box away.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Prez speech deserves YOUR time

Our Commander in Chief will be addressing us tonight on the State of the Union. You might be thinking "Snore time!" Or "So What?" Or "I've got better things to do than to listen to some smoke blown by some politician."

Think again.

People who don't vote get the government they deserve. And people who are not involved in the political process GET THE GOVERNMENT THEY DESERVE. SO STOP MOANING AND GROANING AND DO SOMETHING!

Rmember how many of us were swept up in the excitement of the last election? And then many of us disappeared from the political arena ... poof! So, the idiots that pretend to represent us went back to their very very bad and dishonest and disgusting and selfish and self-serving and fear based and war profiteering and totally partisan behavior. We may be crying boohoo now but WE let it happen.

These days, you can easily affect what Washington insiders do; what your state capital insiders do; what your City and County insiders do - tweet your opinions every day or every week. Go to their Face Book page and give them hell if that's what's on your mind. Keep your own little bursts of pressure ON and it WILL have an effect over time. Water torture takes a while but it does wear away stone eventually - how do you think the Grand Canyon was formed?

"Who am I by myself to make a difference in this big crazy world?" you might be asking yourself. Well, there's over 300,000,000 of us regular folks out here and we can kick some serious posterior.

You want more and better jobs for your age group? Let 'em know! Is healthcare on top of your list? Text or tweet today. And tomorrow. And next week and again the week after. Tired of fighting wars we can't win? Access your access. Bombard the jerks who are into their own scrofulous agendas at the expense of the wishes of the VOTERS. That's US!!!!!

This message is especially for the Futurists out there - you DO affect and change and create the universe you experience.

And if it takes too much time, if it's too much trouble, if you can't take the 30 seconds a day or a week to make your self HEARD - then you are getting the government you deserve. If you don't like it, at least bitch to the folks who can actually DO something!!!

Start tonight. Listen to Obama's speech. You don't have to agree. Just listen. Then think. Then COMMUNICATE!

Monday, January 25, 2010

Supreme Court bought and paid for

The U.S. Supreme Court has finally gone the way of most other political office holders and appointees in this country by selling out American votes in favor of Big Business. In the past, an individual could spend as much as they wished to get someone elected. They could NOT give as much as they wished to any one candidate; that was limited to $2,400 per.

Corporations were limited on how much they could spend on getting someone elected and were also limited in direct contributions.
But our Unholy Nine have slapped all previous precedent to hell in a hand basket. They have ruled - contrary to all findings in this arena since the early-mid 20th century - that Corporate America is now the KING of US Politics. Not you and not us.

The conservative-heavy, conservative activist Group of 5 robber-barons reinterpreted the law, stood the law on its head, kicked the law in general to the curb by saying that Big Business can spend as much as it wants to help elect someone. This ruling means that Big Business will be much more important in all future elections THAN THE INDIVIDUAL VOTER and that the rich and mighty will totally trump regular old citizens like us!!!!
It gives Big Business a totally unequal footing over the Little Guy not to mention increased access; greater leverage to our elected officials.

Oddly enough, Conservatives have been boo-hooing non-stop about Sotomayor's supposed "activism" as a jurist since her nomination to the highest court. They were so afraid she'd "create new law." But the five old men who made this latest decision went where no previous Supreme Court did or dared to - because it isn't the law now nor has it ever been the law.

So, conservatives, where is your outrage? Tea Partiers, is THIS what you expect from your Court? Sen. McCain, why are you not expressing dismay and shock. Your campaign finance action with Sen. Russ Feingold was the right thing to do. Now you're expressing your "disappointment?" Where are your balls? Where are your GUTS? Have you all become Castrati?

Friday, January 22, 2010

Dems in a panic; GOP gloating; a pox on them both

So we now have a Republican Senator from Blue Blue Blue Massachusetts! Sen Brown - did he REALLY pose nude for a woman's mag? The so-called liberal candidate was a dud - she could examine her campaign every day for a decade and still not identify all the ways she came a cropper. And Brown refuses to use the term "Republican." Good move on his part.

This amazingly infuriating debacle proves once again that the Democrats exemplify the concept of snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. In our opinion, the party represented by an ass has been behaving and continues to behave like one. Picture Chicken Little zigging and zagging across D.C. screaming the sky is falling! Couldn't they have just removed Big Health's exemption from anti-trust laws? It wouldn't have cost one penny and the American people would have been soundly behind such a move. And if our President now realizes that Al Quaeda is ACTUALLY IN PAKISTAN, then why are we sending so many more troops to Afghanistan? It is not cost effective to continue wars we can't win. Instead, let's just stop all undesirables from crossing into our country by using OUR OWN MILITARY AT OUR BORDERS and in FOREIGN AIRPORTS THAT HAVE FLIGHTS COMING HERE! And while we're at it, let's suspend ALL FOREIGN AID FOR ONE YEAR - except to Haiti. That could put our national finances back into some order.

The Republicans are crowing and gloating now that their delay delay delay and lying lying lying tactics have taken firmly hold. Remember, these are the folks who swore that Obama was not American - even though admitting his mother WAS. They refused to even discuss Obama's pick to head the TSA - and then ran madly to blame the Administration when a bomber made it onto an American commercial flight. These are the folks who want Big Health to remain exempt from anti-trust laws (as is currently the case) and Big Banking to continue running amok and continue taking HUGE RISKS WITH OUR MONEY. Let's not forget their love of torture and pushing hideously expensive war on one side while shouting "fiscal responsibility" on the other - without ever squaring the COST OF WAR which is in the trillions of dollars!!!! In fact, under Bush, the cost of Irag never even made it into the published budget!

Distinguished readers, may we introduce a sane concept to the American political scene? Futurism. This is a cultural/spiritual attitude based on the idea that as humankind expands in compassion, wisdom, inclusivity, technology, science and trust in a power greater than ourselves, our problems will start to work themselves out. As each singular universe changes for the better - the one each of us is creating every day - the larger universe we all share can't help but change as well.
Related ideas include noetics, quantum physics, a movie called "What the Bleep Do We Know?" and observable changes in one's own life when one TRULY takes responsibility for one's reaction to "the outside world" and in the same heartbeat realizes that "the outside world" and the internal dialogue ARE ONE AND THE SAME.
We see the Futurist Party in our national future.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Check out Rush Limbaugh's latest bout of egomania on wakissima.blogspot

Limbaugh profits on tragedy and suffering

We`are all God's children ... some of us are just cleverly disguised.

Rush Limbaugh's latest words about our President's and our government's rush to help the nation of Haiti is a perfect example of hubris overarching human dignity. The human Michelin Man's total belief in his own greatness and his insistence that his hate-speech is simply intelligent political discourse trumps any wisp of compassion that could still be discovered in the jiggling and chaotic ectoplasm that is his body.

We feel certain Rush is not afraid of Judgement Day however many slurs he casts upon the world's woeful or upon good people that simply wish to help. His egomaniacal pronouncements on Obama's motives never cease to amaze and disgust us, especially in relation to the terrible plight of the good people of Haiti. And his "insights" into the social and cultural conditions of "light skinned" and "dark skinned" blacks is the effluent and pestulance of conservative talk radio.

Rush often speaks as though he thinks he is God - the One and Only, the One True All Seeing and All Knowing. Luckily for his ever expanding wallet, Lord Rotundity's slavish followers seem as addicted to his venomous words as he is to oxycontin. And food. Of course, his opinions say so much more about his own driving core beliefs than anyone else's. He preaches about what our President REALLY intends - and reveals with breathtaking clarity what he, Rush Limbaugh, really intends.

Rush's legacy thus far as we see it: half a billion dollars; a predilection for lying; the love of the sound of his own voice above all else; ex-wives scattered across the nation; a growing rift between his dittohead yes-men and -women and the thinking portion of our population; and yelling obscenities replacing a real exchange of ideas.


Thursday, January 14, 2010

Tahiti needs our help - contribute today

From http://ping.fm/2wyA8

Haiti Needs Our Help

Send a contribution today to any legitimate International Aid Organization!!!!!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Rush Limbaugh adores subsidized health care

After spewing vitriol day after day for years, is it any wonder Rush Limbaugh found himself in the hospital during his Hawaiian vacation with what he thought was a heart attack? Bile does eat away at body parts ... and acid reflux is painful.

According to his post-release press conference, Mr. Mouth apparently adores unionized, socialized Blue state American health care. Mr. Limbaugh praised the doctors and nurses, the hospital, the facilities - his entire experience. We are certain he was not aware that Hawaii offers the most progressive and highly subsidized medical insurance in this country. Island healthcare is socialized up the wazoo and unionized to beat the band. And we have Mr. Limbaugh's unpaid and unsolicited testimonial to inform us how well that kind of system performs - perfectly!

Here are some tenants of Hawaiian law: employers are required to provide health coverage to "regular employees" who earn a threshold wage (about 20 hoursper week); businesses can purchase a state approved plan or fund their own; employers pay at least half the premiums while workers only pay up to 1.5% of their income - additional cost is supplemented by the state!

In Hawaii, poor schlubs like us would be afforded the same safety net and receive the same treatment as The Pompous One without having to clear $38 mil a year. Hmmm.

We welcome Rush to the enlightened side of the discussion, unwitting tho he was, and await with bated breath and eager anticipation his next pronouncements on the issue!