Wonkissima - Where policy wonks pull nothing over us

This forum will be used to discuss ideas that are not just outside the box but ones that will blow the box away.

Friday, May 4, 2012

GOP Saving Women From Eternal Damnation

Since the GOP swept (thundered?) into office state-by-state since 2010, they have systematically written and passed laws across this great land that will save American women from eternal damnation by taking control of and decimating all Pro-Choice (and heretofor LEGAL) healthcare options; by defunding cancer screening availability for the poor and middle class; and by cutting affordable access to birth control even when access to certain drugs is necessary to combat cysts, cancer, etc. The reasoning of these predominently caucasian men echoes a primary tenant of conservative Christian Right-ness: that women of any race, creed or education are incapable of making informed, moral, ethical or righteous decisions when it comes to their reproductive and/or other internal organs. A vote for Mitt Romney, a Morman whose religion bars women from any power or leadership position in ministry (a position far beyond that taken by Catholics) and who has embraced the state-by-state reduction of woman personhood in favor of the personhood of TWO CELLS!!! and who has supported the many laws that have wrestled away a woman's autonomy ... voting for this chamaleon of many colors/ideas/professed beliefs/ this Romney who has supported the RYAN BUDGET that will gut childhood lunch and Planned Parenthood programs but give an extra $200,000 a year to millionaires ... this will be another blow to the sacred self-determination of 51% of America's adults. Females. If you believe that women are second citizens without morals or reasoning or the ability to rule their own lives and bodies or that this world is a better place when women are IN THEIR PLACE, vote RED/GOP. If you feel that women should master their fates; be responsible for their pasts, futures and progeny; and have the same opportunities as men, vote for Mr. Obama. Why? Just look at his family ... his two daughters and his intelligent, powerful, strong, attractive spouse. His choice in a partner will tell you all you need to know about his opinon of women ...