Wonkissima - Where policy wonks pull nothing over us

This forum will be used to discuss ideas that are not just outside the box but ones that will blow the box away.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

GOP's America: Only the RICH need aply

Ronald Reagan opened the floodgates of the worship of the all-mighty dollar ... as if only rich folks were good Christians or good Americans. Since then, our nation seems ever more driven to greed - indeed, the Bush tax cuts wrestled moolah from the wallets and billfolds of the poor and the middle class and threw it at the wealthiest of the wealthy. And yet, HOW MANY NET JOBS WERE CREATED IN THE DECADE FOLLOWING THE BUSH TAX CUTS?
It seems obvious that Senators and Representatives benefit from low taxes for the rich, which is one good reason for their proclivities. Voting on attendant measures, therefore might be a terrible but unnoticed conflict of interest.
Secondary education, the one great leveler for any society, is out of reach for most without mountainous and ruinous debt as its legacy ... difficult to pay back when many companies, holding hundreds of billions of dollars in profits, are not hiring broadly. And if and when they do hire, the positions are more often than not $10-$12 an hour and lacking benefits. Try paying back an $80,000 college bill on that scenario!
These days, most bankruptcies are not caused by houses repossessed or under water but by MEDICAL CATASTROPHE. Why then are medical insurance companies not subject to anti-trust laws like every other business except ML Baseball? The cost of a sparse policy is galloping further out of reach for most of us.
When did America become the land of the rich, with government of the wealthy, by the wealthy and for the wealthy?
The GOP has been assiduously attempting for years both to eliminate the poor altogether (don't they cheer at the mention of folks with no medical benefits dying?) and to crush the middle class. A well educated worker pool who'll take ANY JOB means more black in the bottom line. So far, they are doing a fabulous job of making the rich richer .. while the rest of us poor slobs are sucking hind tit.
A cat named Grover Norquist and the billionaire Koch Brothers are behind a lot of this class war - a class war that's been raging for decades and was NOT started by any progressive.
If you want to kill America, vote RED next time out.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

GOP creates circular firing squad

There is something to be said for the gifted amateur ... but not in politics. Successful business tycoons like Donald Trump and Herman Cain proved they could lead the polls - for a month or two maybe. Thin skinned, opinionated, tough talking, tactless, profit-driven egoists, they have a lot in common. But a president is not a dictator and Trump's and Cain's "My Way or the Highway" leadership style doesn't track well with the American people. Obviously.
Trump and Cain rarely hear the word "no" from any underling, including expert political wonks with valuable experience and an invaluable working knowledge of how the election process actually works.
When they do, they don't listen. Obviously. Good!
We'll see if Herman Cain can doubletalk or tripletalk his way out of his current predicament as it remains to be seen how many women who complained about his inappropriate sexual inuendo in the past, AND WERE COMPENSATED FOR THEIR TROUBLE, will make themselves known in present time to defend their reputations.
We watched gleefully as Ann Curry, the Trumpster and His Rotundity Rush Limbaugh waded into the fray. The result resembles a circular firing squad. And this is still 2011!!! Do Conservatives honestly believe that "Our blacks are better than their blacks"? Do they agree with Herman Cain that there is no racism in the US? Oops ... Mr. Cain now accuses the press of ... racism ... for reporting this story.
The circus has come to town and all the usual suspects and players are costumed in Greedy Old Party RED.
Incidentally, we envy Saturday Night Live writers who won't need to come up with even one original skit idea, much less script dialogue for the next 10 months.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

GOP crowd applauds insuranceless death, executions

A disturbing trend is manifesting from the attitudes of GOP presidential candidates, insinuating itself into the bone marrow of Tea Party-affiliated debate-goers ... or is it the other way around?

Why are Republicans openly cheering the hypothetical death of an insuranceless man or the huge number of Texas executions, and on national TV yet?

These folks ... both the talkees and the talkers ... all profess to be Christians but what might the Carpenter from Nazareth say about their behavior? He forgave EVERYBODY, including murderers and He ministered to the sick and insane, giving them the greatest healthcare ever seen on Planet Earth. Without charging a cent!

Republicans never vote against their own self-interest, especially with regard to their pocketbooks. They should remember that it's easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a nedle than for a wealthy man to enter the gates of Heaven. Hey, don't look at me - I'm just quoting scripture!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Gov Perry Could Sell Hunting Permits for Convicted Murderers, Make $

Gov. Perry has made a SPLASH into the GOP Prexy field. He's always bragging on how many jobs he has created. Of course, most are at or below minimum wage, second only to Mississippi in this stat.
But this happy confluence helps fulfill rich Repubs need for a slave class.
I have an idea on how he could REALLY make some moolah.
Texans love to execute their convicted murderers (don't they have more folks on Death Row than just about anyone else and haven't they set a record pace for killing them?). Texans also LOVE to hunt.
Why not combine the two for a tasty and unusual blood sport? For $10,000, you get your very own murderer to hunt down and kill. The convict doesn't get a weapon and the hunter doesn't get to use dogs.You do get photos with your bounty suitable for framing at no extra charge.
Picture the taxidermist possibilities! Talk about a trophy ... You'd fill Texas' coffers in no time flat.