Wonkissima - Where policy wonks pull nothing over us

This forum will be used to discuss ideas that are not just outside the box but ones that will blow the box away.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Kill Poppy Fields, Not People

Recent reports prove what many intelligent people already knew; that the Taliban and Al-Qaeda are financed by the poppy fields of Afghanistan. Now UN and American forces are paying an even bigger price, the enslavement of Western soldiers to heroin.
Why couldn't we just give the Israelies $10 million to destroy that terrible income source? Not only would the Taliban and Al-Qaeda's Jihad be cut off at the knees, so would the supply of heroin and morphine, that floods into America across both borders.


Hey, we could do that in Columbia, too!!!!!!

A McCain could well be President; Megan

Megan McCain is wonderfully insouciant!For any Philistines in the b-sphere read, "She has a charming disregard for authority."
Her views are refreshingly 21st Century, for a Republican, especially regarding the equal protection under the law of all folks.
The hyprocritan party (as we began calling them after Senator Ensign and Gov. Sanford were caught degrading and endangering the state of marriage in this country) needs to get out of the business of legislating and judging sex and procreation.
Megan McCain is on the right track for a fresh percpective.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Limbaugh lusts for Prexy Obama?

If you have been listening to Rush Limbaugh's radio show since January 20, 2009, you can't fail to have noticed that when Rush speaks of his relationship to our newest President he too-often-to-be-coincidental evokes colorful pictures involving homo-erotic images.

For example, "Let me just unzip my pants and bend over," or "I'll put my pants around my ankles and bend over."

Limbaugh picks his words as carefully as a master jewler picks a diamond, (Is Rush a lump of coal in the rough?) but even he cannot avoid the subconcious drives eating away at his soul. Rush, is your Freudian slip showing?!